New Jersey’s Premier Trade Organization For Master Plumbers
NJ State League of Master Plumbers was founded in 1930 by a small group of plumbers, who thought that the industry, their profession, and their customers should be protected. In 1931 they incorporated and formed The New Jersey State League of Master Plumbers, Inc., the largest league of Master Plumbers in the nation. From our original members The New Jersey State League of Master Plumbers has grown to an organization of over 25 local associations representing Master Plumbers throughout the State of New Jersey.
If you are a New Jersey licensed Master Plumber, we encourage you to join us. A membership support page has been constructed for easy access to resources. You may simply click here to email our membership chairman for an application or membership information.
Thank you for visiting our website. Make sure to stop back often as this site is frequently updated to reflect the latest changes within the association and around the industry.